Male Predator or a Female Victim
The unintended consequences of feminism on women, men and society at large.
Like cultural appropriation, DEI (Diversity, Equality, Inclusion - i.e. ‘neo-racism’), Critical Race Theory, and Cancel Culture, feminism is a malignant cancer.
First of all, men and women will forever be different from one another. Men have a narrower pelvis than women. Women’s endurance level is six times more than that of men. Men grow hair on their cheeks, women don't, and so on and so forth. And that's all the beauty.
People believe that inequality automatically constitutes inferiority. No. Inequality speaks of difference and the need to celebrate difference, not try to reach some middle line that relegates both genders to something that is not natural to them.
The desire to be equal at all cost seems more like homogeneity. And homogeneity is a disease.
I can somehow understand that the whole struggle of feminism is for collective equal rights as: equal pay, promotion of jobs, the opening of education for women, etc., but what does it have to do with biological sex? Why does it have to be wrapped in a ‘gender’ package? When education is prevented from a girl it should be reprimanded, not because she is a girl, but because she is a human being.
I always remind people that when we come into the world - before we know that we know; before we know that we are either a male or a female, and before we are being ashamed of our bodies, we are first of all individual human beings. And at the individual level the difference in us transcends tribal markers through which we tend to determine our difference later on, such as: biological sex, skin color, origin, nationality and heritage.
Therefore equal rights should be a derivative of our individuality and not a derivative of tribal fonts.
A Dilemma
And there’s another caveat that emerges: That when we want to fight for certain rights it is very difficult to do it alone. We need support to further our cause. And in order to create support, we are motivated to identify with superficial markers that characterize and bond us together.
So if a certain man is sexually attracted to men, it will be easier for him to associate with other men who are sexually attracted to men as that is what seems to be the common denominator between them, by which they are different from other groups.
But it's a double-edged sword.
As soon as one engages in comparisons based on superficial markers, they unknowingly dig a bottomless pit. And since the lack of awareness is the common state, new problems are unconsciously created in the assumption that old ones are being solved and progress is right around the corner.
Patriarchy and Matriarchy; two sides of the same coin?!
Women feel that what sets them apart in the battle for “equal rights” is a derivative of biological sex. There is no doubt there's truth in that. But this is not something that was planned. It's not that men secretly banded together and decided to be the dominant sex by design, even if on the surface it looked that way, but a process that developed over thousands of years.
I’d like to remind the reader that patriarchy, which is currently coming to an end, replaced the matriarchy that has been the dominant cultural consciousness until that time. In other words, the transition between patriarchy to matriarchy and back again is like a sine wave; alternation that changes over time.
If I can draw a line in the sand it started to change towards patriarchy at the time of Homer in ancient Greece (about 3000 years ago) and with the transition from polytheism to monotheism. Men in pre-Homeric society were ruled by matriarchy because matriarchy embodied the greatest magic of all: reproduction.
The pre-Homeric males did not understand their contribution to the birth process. Just try to imagine it. They had no idea how it worked. For them mating was just an instinct of pleasure. They’d never put one and one together - something that says a lot about the intelligence of the ancient male.
The female carried all the power as a result. The women knew. They were responsible. They had "ceremonial" husbands that they "threw away" at the end of each year. Only when the Greeks and Romans came around did everything start to change.
So when we moved into the patriarchy phase, the roles started to change and they were defined on the basis of sex. Before one was born, the head of the family had already decided what their future would be; how and where they’d work, what role they would fulfill and when and to whom they’d get married. The roles have been defined in advance, both for boys and girls. But women never saw it as something inferior. Everyone understood and accepted their place.
If I had a time machine, and I took all feminists and transported them back in time, we would have seen that they would have had no problem with the patriarchy and that they would have not become feminists. On the contrary, each would have known her place in relation to the period because she would have been born into a cultural consciousness that has already been established. We are always a product of an environment and the value system of that environment.
The problem has always been and always will be, lack of awareness. And it's not that we have changed much in this regard.
Wipe out bigotry with bigotry
Today, the current attitude is to view the past with spectacles of the present. In this regard, there is also an attempt to erase or rewrite the past without an ability to see things as they are by which continuity and context can be maintained. And instead of seeing things as they are, impartially, there is a bigotry that is actually no different from the bigotry we try to erase. It does the opposite over time. It only cements slavery and victimhood.
And so, in women. Nowadays women are not really empowered. On the contrary, they are taught to maintain their self oppressions and project them onto some external enemy at which they aim their "assault rifle" as a quick emancipation scheme. In this regard, the male counterpart and/or the patriarchy.
Unintended Consequences
The era of feminism and particularly so-called women's liberation movements, such as meToo, have created unintended consequences which are becoming more and more prevalent in our culture, mainly due to the loss of presence, attention span and focus.
Feminism and all its derivatives have created collateral damage that far outweigh the benefits. They are only harmful to women in particular and to society at large:
According to researches at Harvard, today, both men and women say they would be less willing than before to hire women, especially attractive women.
Moreover, both men and women said they expect to see more women excluded from work-related social interactions, such as office parties and after-work drinks.
More and more men express a strong reluctance to have one-on-one meetings with women (Sadly, the rule by former US Vice President Mike Pence's: "Never, ever be alone with a woman other than your significant other, unless you want to be accused of unholy things" - has become a global rule).
Once places of genuine cooperation have become war zones where the risk of accusations of sexual harassment for men is high. It exposes men to a whole new series of claims and accusations. In turn, the lack of cooperation causes women more harm than men by greatly depriving their career opportunities.
Once normal occurrences, such as approaching a colleague at work or approaching a woman at a bar, are now risks that a growing number of men are simply not willing to take.
The #MeToo phenomenon has labeled men who offer normal gestures of interest in a woman as "sexual predators" and has turned many women into another group of victims where they will not take responsibility for the types of behavior and actions that may contribute to the situation.
The unregulated hypersensitivity and over-emotionality in society leads too many women to claim ‘sexual harassment’ for what could really have been an accidental physical contact in crowded conditions. Therefore, the movement does a disservice to real cases of sexual harassment and assault.
MeToo has also become a convenient political weapon for cancel culture; Anyone who causes too much upheaval in a particular corporate or governmental setting, all one has to do is claim that a man is guilty of sexual misconduct and then sit back and watch how his life, career, and family get ripped apart on prime time, since ratings are more important while rumors fly and the truth crawls.
It’s important to consider something that is often shelved from the public’s consciousness when it comes to glorifying feminism: women are often a woman's worst enemy. There are many ambitious women who will do anything to climb the ladder of success and will do all it takes to reach the end goal. False accusations by women have been known since the dawn of civilization. But today, when feminism has become a platform, it is much much easier as it is often used to neutralize any obstacle that prevents from reaching the end goal.
The phenomenon of "sexual predators" is not exclusive to the male sex. There are sexual predators among both sexes. Has anyone considered those women who suffer when their husbands are pelted with false accusations by rival women? Sadly, the phenomenon in which women try to destroy other women through accusations against a husband or boyfriend is still a common phenomenon.
Lastly, I’d like to remind that every man, as well a misogynistic one, - they all come out from a woman's womb. Everything starts and ends with the mother.
Men and women have different strengths and weaknesses. When we come together, we tend to complement each other. However, in our times, both sexes are badly affected.
In retrospect, feminism, and the #MeToo movement in particular, pit men against women, encouraging them to adopt adversarial roles. The movements, in more ways than one, created gender warfare. Women tend to be more cooperative than men when interacting with the opposite sex. But now, opportunities to partner with men are at a premium. Workplaces have become a minefield of misunderstandings and concerns.
Men, on the other hand, are emasculated further and further. What was once their glory, soon turned into something shameful; something to be embarrassed by. The tragedy is that they have learn to accept it in a defeatist way. They have been conditioned to drink the kool-aid with gusto. A lie that tells them that if they give up their masculinity it will prove themselves as conscientious progressive men, and by that, render them better relationships with women. But in essence, it only neuters and takes them away from their essence.
For me, all these are derivatives of the sterilization that’s takin place in the human species.
Sterilization exists in several dimensions:
We have the sterility of humanity in that our fertility is declining quickly.
We have a sterility in which relationships between people are becoming increasingly cold and alienated. (Once human beings come together less and less due to suspicion and fear, it’s the beginning of the end of our civilization. And we’re getting there.)
We have the sterility that manifests itself as an incessant brainwashing that creates competition and estrangement between men and women, as if one is the enemy of the other. There is a deep crisis between the sexes and it’s only expanding. Ultimately it harms society more than it brings benefits.
And we have a sterility as cleansing. False identities formed by superficial tribal markers to establish skin-deep differences by which to justify oppressions to those who don’t abide by them. “White supremacy” and “black power” are being taught to young children in schools as tenets for intelligence, whereas in essence, are nothing but reflections for excessive ignorance.
All these faux revolutions, presented to society as "progress", "protecting our democracy" and "equality", are nothing but derivatives of sterilization that takes place deep within all of us.
How nice.