The (Modern) Tower of Babel
How the age of information, coupled with the loss of individual awareness to the underlying mechanism that make it, is the culprit for the chaos and confusion in society.
Please understand that we are at a stage in our development in which we have an immediate access to any type of information and by that be able to siphon tidbits of accurate information, match them to any opinion, while discarding anything that doesn't fit, and by that “present” any story as factual.
On the same hand, we can take an accurate tidbit of information and juxtapose it to another, while in the interim take away the original context, and by that unintentionally create a different story.
I am not a flat earther, but I can gather enough morsels of accurate information, edit and juxtapose them in such a way that you will have a hard time refuting my analysis. I would also be able to “prove” you that any celebrity is a homophobe because I can fish for one liners they uttered in the past and juxtapose them to hot topics in the present in order to showcase it as truth.
It all comes from the fact that each one of us have access to what I call a “Collective Cloud Machine” which basically reflects the collective mind: a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. A projection of all human minds combined, and their respective inner contexts - both what’s real and what’s not - to which each of us has access.
We call it the internet.
Here’s a philosophical thing that’s really worth pondering:
You can think about something or imagine it in your own mind, but that doesn’t make it real, does it?!
You can think about killing someone you really dislike, but thinking about it doesn’t make you a murderer, does it?!
And yet, in the stage of our development, underlined by our technological solutions, whatever that thought or imagination is, which again in our mind was not real, in the Collective Cloud Machine it can be. You can imagine some president foul mouthing another president, and while it’s in your mind it isn’t real - on the internet it can be. (it’s called ‘deep fake’, by the way)
It’s also where we can have access and see all the variations of what human beings can be. The entire spectrum of it. From the most vile to the most beautiful.
You can think in your mind about cannibalism and you’ll find that manifestation presented to you, because we have the means to project that phenomenon. There is someone, somewhere, who is doing that and someone else who is recording and uploading it to the internet airways.
On the other side of the spectrum, you can think about kittens in a basket and you’ll find plenty of imagery that depict that phenomenon.
It also shows you that anything you can imagine in your mind’s eye is projection to a manifested reality, either as potential or as a phenomenon that already exists.
What I am trying to show here is that, in this time of our development we can “manifest” any mental conjuring within the virtual Collective Cloud Machine, regardless of veracity.
And since the entire world is dependent on that Collective Cloud Machine for information, for communication and therefore for establishing direction and decision making, you can see how dangerous it can be. Not because of what it stands for, but because human beings are completely unaware of the mechanism at hand.
The Tower of Babel Era
Sometimes I reflect on biblical stories and wonder if they weren’t actually written as a warning for the coming future. Because it’s very clear to me that we are in the midst of a Tower of Babel era.
Although that story explains the origins of the multiplicity of languages in which humans were divided into linguistic groups, unable to understand one another, the resemblance to our times is that we have created such a density of information load, that even though we may speak the same language, we’re no longer able to understand one another.
We’re living in a midst of an age in which you can no longer know the underlying motivations of other human beings. You cannot possibly make any difference between what’s ”truth” and what’s “false” anymore since they constantly change positions.
The border line between them is disintegrating.
It results in an era in which all of us co-create mass confusion and misunderstanding on the planet, simply because all of us are plugged in 24/7. Then, perversely assume that we must counter them by finding anyone or anything outside our lives as culpable.
A consciousness in which no one actually can respond to the topic at hand, but rather reacts contrarily to what the other side is or isn’t doing. The listening capabilities of human beings are practically nil. The common dialogue nowadays is nothing but an overreaction to one’s projections. Too many are stuck with straw-man narratives to which they overreact, undertoned by emotional turmoil within.
At that moment it makes humanity a very dangerous creature.
No one knows anything anymore. They only pretend they do, out of fear. It’s something to grasp.
All of us have access to the same information load, however, by the very saturation of it we have the privilege to cherry pick the details that can support our opinion.
It results in a consciousness in which human beings are led to think about so many things that do not matter. Truly, they don’t. So many people are led to occupy themselves with hypothetical scenarios and zillion “what ifs” on a moment by moment basis, just because it’s easier than ever before to juxtapose one morsel of data to another and by that recreate unlimited novel possibilities.
However, possibility is very different from probability.
It shows that the greatest predicament of humanity is not misinformation but distraction.
Humanity is utterly distracted from what it actually needs to focus on and be occupied with. It no longer has the proper attention span and focus capabilities to know what is sterile and what is fertile, what is important and what should be discarded. More often than not, it is in transference: occupied with what is not important while discarding what is.
Unimportant information is constantly rehashed and regurgitated under the patina: “you need to know the truth” (i.e. an opinion void of unfitting details which have been siphoned beforehand ), while the actual important information is censored under the patina: “factually incorrect misinformation”.
In the end, however, everything becomes a rather one large hodgepodge of things we invest so much energy and resources in trying to make sense of.
If you come to think of it, in the past, where we weren’t in charge of the information load, where we weren’t possessed by dumbphone culture - even though it may have been easier to be manipulated into marching forward into one track - we were much more stable, focused and grounded.
Obsession With Control
What we're seeing right now is a battle to control the collective direction.
The collective direction is concerned with only one way: one “truth” that everybody should assimilate. If one is not agreeing to it, they're censored. They’re canceled, or shunned from society. The collective doesn’t like ‘difference’. It can't stand it. The collective wants everyone to be the same; lined up by the same commonality, by the same pattern, by the same “truth”.
So all these variations of individual truths are very frightening to the collective. It’s all about the fear of chaos that exists in the mind. And so the fear of chaos leads to an obsession with control. It’s then projected outward by trying to control the population, by trying to control the information load.
And that’s what we’re seeing ongoing in regards to the advent of censoring “misinformation”. It’s all a byproduct of the fear that stems from the fact that the “collective truth” is disintegrating.
It’s actually safer and healthier to accept helplessness in that regard. I do, because I understand the mechanism at play and see it for what it is. That’s why I’m not frightened or paranoid by “misinformation” as so many others are.
That’s why I don’t actively try to censor or find blame in any perpetrators of disinformation or in whoever differs from me in opinion, no matter how bizarre and irrational they are. That’s why I can read a QAnon book or watch a “fake moon landing conspiracy” video with equanimity and be unaffected, while at the same time be able to learn something from them.
There is always something to learn from everything, especially from those who we revere as our enemies.
We need many perspectives on any subject, not just one. Even if they’re faulty, we need many, many perspectives. Otherwise learning is not possible. Otherwise knowing what is the right pattern is not possible.
And you can see that the obsession with one “truth”, with “one way or the highway” - the eradication of all other perspectives - is rather a sign for a dark and regressive age we’re entering into.
To me it’s very clear that the next Great War of the World will emanate from such a state of disconnect. All you need is a spark and the rest is just a cascade - a domino effect.
A spark made out by someone in influential position who overreacts to a misunderstanding made by an illusion.