I was only asking where faith in God fits in your very detailed analysis. I find comfort in knowing I have a connection to a higher power. One God & being merely human, I am humbly flawed & do not need to, nor could, understand all things & that does not bother me one bit. Peace.. 🙏

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Trying so hard to follow, but of course limited by my human brain. Is there a higher power present in any of these deep, wandering & unmeaningful contradictive “thoughts”..?

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I don’t understand your question. It sounds inglorious with a hint of sarcasm.

For the benefit of the doubt, my aim in many of my posts is to bring various elements and coalesce them into a unified explanation to show that what appears to be one dimensional phenomenon is rarely that which is espoused to the public as truth.

The aim in this post is to show that:

1. Gain of Function (GOF) and the lab-leak paradigm are flawed paradigms. No GOF has ever been made nor is it possible to be made.

2. The whole notion that viruses “jump” and infect one another indiscriminately is erroneous. It’s based on a flawed germ theory paradigm to begin with that underlies modern science of virology and epidemiology from which these “black magic” explanations are espoused.

3. The emotional turmoil begetting human beings prevents them from being able to reach clarity and objective knowledge. This leads to a reality in which people are drawn into explanations that only confirm their bias. The search for the truth is exchanged for the crusade for vindictiveness as a means to find emotional resolution.

4. Modern Science is an aggregation of closed systems which, in their current state of complexity and saturation of details, can no longer communicate efficiently between one another, being able to connect various what-appears-to-be-separate-phenomena into a larger whole.

5. Everything is cyclical. The current state of affairs: the confusion, the misunderstandings, the schism, the loss of sanity, common sense and identity crisis are merely markers for ends of cycles. It happened before, it’s happening again.

6. Lastly, in lieu of the above, I proposed a (w)holisitc approach to coalesce what appears to be separate phenomena, such as: the animal kingdom's lack of fear, the change in human psychology, culture, politics and emotionality over the last three years, connecting them to Covid. That Covid comes from within, not without. All, based on the realization that pandemics are merely effects of mutations that occur in real time, mediated by resonance between magnetism and DNA (which is a fractal antenna).

Regardless of all that, I understand that one person's gold is another’s garbage. Not everyone can connect in the same way, no matter the type and length of content. The difference here is that when I happen to be on the receiver’s end - not understanding or connecting to someone's “unmeaningful” thoughts - I don't hold it against them, simply because I understand the mechanism.

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