I read everything, but I still don't understand how to prepare for the coming age, in practice. can you please explain?

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Isn’t that the million dollar question everybody is trying to find an answer to?

Isn’t that what you see when you open YouTube - another redundant video by an influencer telling you what direction is the right direction to go; what stock you should buy, how much gold, what kind of a bunker you should be constructing and which country is the place to be?!

And yet, no one knows anything. Because we are at the end of the glory of the mind. The mind can no longer dicepther and make sense out of the enormous data and information. It’s not equipped or built for that. So instead of having clarity and peace of mind we’re more and more confused and anxious than ever before. And I’m showing you that this is part of “the plan”.

There is no one answer for everyone. This is the trap of our consciousness trying to give everybody the same formula. Well, haven’t we learned by now it’s not working?!

This is a time in which everyone can certainly run but they cannot hide. No matter where one is on the globe, this is going to affect everyone. And the more people become anxious and afraid, the more they will try to enforce their one answer formula on everyone.

The answer is within yourself. That’s why the Human Design System has been revealed. It was revealed in order to give the individual a chance to get acquainted with something that has been dormant for eons of time - his own inner authority - and by that given a chance to transcend what’s coming.

That’s the inner compass that’s within each and everyone of us. The beauty of it is that it’s not the same for two people. What might be your truth; your right direction, your choice, may not be right for me, and vice versa.

If the power of outer authorities is shutting down, who else can you trust if not yourself?!

I have written a specific post about what inner authority means, giving an example from real life for how it works in our confusing times. (https://kingofhearts.substack.com/p/the-borderline-between-truth-and?r=1mikue)

And in this post I have elaborated about the system, how it works and how to get to know one’s specific inner authority. (https://kingofhearts.substack.com/p/what-is-the-human-design-system?r=1mikue)

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